Wolves found dead – table
Wolves that are found dead are examined to gain information regarding pre-existing illnesses, sex and age. The correct assignment to age classes (pup in 1st year of life, yearling in 2nd year of life, after that: adult wolf) is often based on several parameters. Therefore, the given information can change when new information is available. The same applies for genetic assignment of dead wolves. Taking this into account, information on wolves found dead are continuously updated.
You can select one year or a span of time to receive a list of the respective data records.
Translation of the column headers: cause, date, age, sex, genetic origin, territory, federal state, county.
Legend: Illegale Tötung = illegal killing, natürlich = natural cause of death, unklar = unclear,
Verkehrsunfall = traffic accident, sonstiges = other cause of death (e.g. injury / hanging in fence)