FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
Here, wolf-related frequently asked questions are listed and answered. Questions are grouped into thematic complexes. You can see the answers when clicking on the questions.
Wolf and dog
Does the domestic dog really originate from the wolf?
How often does mating between wolf and dog happen in Germany?
Dangerousness of wolves
Encounters with wolves
What should I do when I encounter a wolf?
What happens when I encounter a wolf during a dog walk?
Should wolves be provided with food and is it allowed to do so?
Where do the wolves in Germany come from?
Will wolves spread further? If yes, which consequences will this have?
Wolf and wildlife / wolf and livestock
Is wildlife threatened by extinction in areas occupied by wolves?
What role do predators like the wolf have in distributing the African swine fever?
Do wolves have to be hunted by humans?
Can hunters claim compensation for game that has been killed by wolves?
Can livestock farmers claim compensation for livestock damages through wolves?
Do wolves kill more animals than they can feed on when attacking livestock?
Conservation status
What is the legal protection status of the wolf in Germany and Poland?